While growing up roofing was the choice of profession that my dad chose to support the family. Roofing was the late-night dinner discussion on many occasions. Whether we embraced it or not as kids, roofing was a part of our life.
As a little history to our origins in Canada, our family came over from northern Portugal in the mid-1980s. Looking for whatever job he can find, my dad immediately worked for Semple Gooder Roofing Corp, which for those who don’t know is a flat industrial roofing company. My mom’s cousins where foremen there and immediately taught him the skills of the trade. I remember my parents telling me that they were tough on him immediately because they wanted to make sure that he was roofing the right way.
During my childhood and teenage years, I would be working roofing on weekends, summers, holidays and even some small roof repairs with my dad after school. One thing that I quickly learned from my father was, “If you are going to do something do it properly or don’t do it at all”. Any type of shortcut that was suggested would be cut off immediately.
In addition, growing up I had a huge fascination with the hit show “Mike Holmes: Make it Right”. What made it so intriguing was that there were so many contractors taking shortcuts, hence, Mike and his specialists would then show the viewers how the work should have been done.
Seven years ago when it came to creating a logo and slogan for Luso Roofing, I had to choose a slogan that was reflective of the way we approached roofing. Therefore, it was the influence of my dad’s pride in top-quality workmanship and Mike Holme’s “Make it Right’ slogan that made it natural for us. To sum it up this is how we went with the slogan “Roofing It Right”.