Roofing Blog

Inspecting The Roof: Home Inspectors’ Feedback In Toronto

If you are hiring a home inspector, you want to ask them a bunch of questions before hiring them. First,...

Missing Roof Shingles??? Luso Roofing Explains Why!

Due to the recent wind storm that swept through Toronto and the GTA, Luso Roofing has been receiving higher the normal call...

Extreme Wildlife Roof Protection | Roof Vents and Roof Vent Covers

Roof vents are one of the most common points of entry for squirrels and raccoons. The majority of Roofing Contractors...

Poor Attic Ventilation? | Solar Attic Vents May Be Your Best Solution!

Poor attic ventilation is a continual problem homeowners express to Luso Roofing regularly. They usually seek our advice because they are...

An Overview of Pre-winter Roof Inspections | Roof Maintenance Toronto

Recently, Luso Roofing was featured in the Condo Business Magazine. They asked us to write an overview of pre-winter roof inspections,...

The Importance of Cleaning Your Gutters In Toronto

Winter is right around the corner and it is always recommended that you get your gutters cleaned in the late...

Don’t wait for a small issue to become a big problem! Call Luso Roofing today for an expert advise.

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