It’s officially fall, the season when everyone suddenly takes special notice of the leaves, which stun with gorgeous colours before transforming into a nuisance as they drop. It’s also time for your annual trip to the roof to ensure that your building’s first line of defence is aging well and prepared for the harsh winter weather.
Here are some roof maintenance tips to protect your home from winter’s snow and ice:
- Clean Your Gutters: Cleaning your gutters and unclogging your downpipes is very important because it allows the water to flow properly away from your roof line. Following this routine roof maintenance will prevent water backups from happening.
- Trimming Back Your Trees: It is always wise to cut back trees near your roof because animals in the fall start looking for a temporary home for the winter. Also, heavy loads of snow and ice can cause big tree branches to fall and damage your roof/home.
- Ask For A Pre-Winter Roof Inspection From A Highly Recommended Roofer: It is always a good idea to have a roofer go on your roof in the fall to point out any bad areas that may cause a roof leak shortly. Hence, it is better to fix these problems in the fall than in the harsh winter weather.
- Invest in Roof Repairs If Needed: If the roofing contractor points out areas of the roof that need repairs, it is wise to get these areas repaired as soon as possible! If you wait and your roof starts to leak with snow and/or ice on your roof; guess what, roof repairs at this point will be more difficult to fix and much more expensive as well.